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Priority Areas

Fostering Girls SRHR and Leadership

Our work focuses on promoting girls’ access to Sexual  Reproductive Health  Rights, Services and Information as well as promoting their leadership.  Girls and young women living in rural communities have limited access to services, thus, increases their risk to situations that renders them vulnerable to teenage pregnancies, child marriages and girls dropping out of school.

Fostering Girls SRHR & Leadership
Fostering Girls SRHR & Leadership

Social Protection and Support for OVCs

Ever since the organization’s inception in 2007, RMT has been working to provide social protection and support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs), including Children Living with HIV (CLHIV). This has been done through providing them with an access to education and health services. More than 1000 children have been reached through these initiatives.

Social Protection and Support For OVCs
Social Protection and Support For OVCs

Research and Advocacy

RMT hinges its work on research and advocacy focusing on social protection for orphans and vulnerable children, integrated services on gender based violence, fostering girls and young women sexual reproductive health rights, leadership and economic empowerment. 

As part of fostering girls and young women’s leadership and economic empowerment, we facilitate their participation on physical and virtual advocacy platforms from community, national, regional and global levels.

Research and Advocacy
Research and Advocacy

Integrated Services on Gender Based Violence (GBV)

In 2019 RMT established RMT Education and Counseling Centre (RMT ECC). The RMT Education and Counseling Centre provides integrated services aimed at addressing issues of Gender Based Violence. Through the years of our programming work we have noted that girls and women living in rural communities experience more effects of GBV compared to those living in urban areas. This is because of entrenched patriarchy, negative social norms and attitudes, limited access to social services and lack of economic opportunities.

Integrated Services On Gender Based Violence II
Integrated Services On Gender Based Violence

Girls and Women Economic Empowerment

Improving girls and women’s economic empowerment is essential to achieving gender equality. There are many widespread negative sociocultural and religious norms, which push girls and young women to face discrimination in the community.

Investing in girls and women’s economic empowerment is critical in tackling issues relating to poverty, child marriage and sexual gender based violence. According to  ‘Women’s Access to Land in Murewa Rural district’ research published in 2017 by RMT, it was observed that  by increasing women’s control over household income; resources- including land- improves children’s access to education, healthcare, autonomy and greater control over their reproductive health and rights.

Girls and Women Economic Empowerment
Girls And Women Economic Empowerment II